From 2014–2018, RCC and MURPA (Monash Undergraduate Research Projects Abroad) co-hosted an IT-focused seminar series held annually in the second semester.

RCC also hosted seminars outside of the RCC/MURPA Seminar Series throughout the year, and continues to do so. 

Please note: In the tables below, click on the seminar topic to find more information about the seminar, including, if available, the presentation slides and video recording. Slides and video are added after the completion of the seminar, and can take about a week to upload. 

Check our Events page for information about upcoming seminars.

View videos from past seminars on RCC's YouTube channel.

RCC general seminars


1 MarchProf. Frank WürthweinOpen Cyberinfrastructure for an Open Society


21 JulyProf. Bronis R. de SupinskiEl Capitan: Lessons from Building An Exascale System
31 OctoberIan FosterEmbodied agents as scientific assistants


19 FebruaryProf. Bronis R. de SupinskiThe LLNL Near and Long-Term Vision for Large-Scale Systems
13 MarchAviral Kailash Jain and Edward DavisMachine learning projects at NCSA: A UQ QURPA student perspectiv


4 AprilProf. Peter SlootInformation-Flow Drives Complex Systems Dynamics

15 May


23 May 

Dr Kevin Jorissen


Prof. Barton P. Miller

Scientific Computing on Amazon Web Services


Scaling up to Large (Really Large) Systems

26 July


23 August


11 October


31 October

James Gallagher


Prof. Rick Stevens


Rob Farber


Prof. Dieter Kranzimueller 

Cloud Computing for Research: A Comparison of of Data Storage Services


AI for Science


In a word, AI is impacting HPC "everywhere"!


Environmental Computing on SuperMUC-NG



15 MarchDr Chris ButlerIMB Research's technology vision and exemplar Australian projects



28 FebruaryProf. Bronis R. de SupinskiHigh Performance Computing at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
5 JulyDr Gregory Watson

The Scientific Software Initiative at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

12 July

Dr Philip Papadopoulos

Virtual Clusters in Comet — What's Underneath?



11 MayProf. David AbramsonTranslational Computational Science: From The Lab To Practice
27 MayProf. Francine Berman

Got Data? Building a Sustainable Ecosystem for Data-Driven Research

4 JulyDr Tom Peachey

A Simplex-Like Method for Pareto Optimisation of Bi-objective Problems

5 JulyDr Tom Peachey

The Nimrod Toolset

8 NovemberProf. Ann Nicholson

Bayesian networks for decision-making under uncertainty



18 MarchDr Bronis R. de Supinski Programming Future Large Scale Systems
19 MarchDr Luiz DeRose

Addressing Performance and Programmability Challenges in Current and Future Supercomputers

4 MayDr Xue Li

Social Media & Social Network Data Analytics

7 AugustProf. Michael L. Norman

Experiences with the First Flash-based Supercomputer

26 OctoberAssoc. Prof. Yung-Hsiang Lu

Opportunities and Challenges in Global Network Cameras

1 DecemberDr Niklas Blomberg

ELIXIR: life sciences data across public and private sectors

18 December

Assoc. Prof. Michela Taufer

In-Situ Data Analysis of Protein-folding Trajectories



RCC/MURPA Seminar Series

RCC and MURPA (Monash Undergraduate Research Projects Abroad) co-host an IT-focused seminar series in the second semester each year.

Speakers are leaders in their field — from either the academic world, government or industry — and are often based overseas. 

Speakers and seminar attendees at UQ and Monash University are connected via the universities' advanced videoconferencing facilities. 

The UQ location is room 505A, level 5, Axon Building (47), St Lucia Campus. Please address enquiries to Fran Moore at:

The Monash University location is Lecture Theatre S3, 16  Rainforest Walk, Clayton Campus. Please address enquiries to Caitlin Slattery at:



Special theme: Projects at the U.S. National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). All speakers are NCSA employees. Abstracts to come.

"NCSA has been an innovator in advanced supercomputing since they developed the world’s first Web browser," said RCC Director Prof. David Abramson. "We are extremely privileged to have an entire seminar series devoted to hearing about their current projects, which range from supercomputing to advanced cyber infrastructure. All of the applications discussed in the series will be of direct interest to groups in Australia."

All are welcome to attend the seminar series, including UQ and Monash staff and students, and members of the public.

All talks are from 9am–10am AEST, each Friday from 3 August until 21 September.

An added bonus for UQ and Monash University undergraduate IT and Electrical Engineering honours students is that NCSA is keen to engage MURPA and QURPA (Monash/Queensland Undergraduate Research Projects Abroad) students in summer internships (usually January/February) in any of the project areas discussed in the seminar series. Students with an interest in in-silico crops are initially being targeted, and both UQ and Monash students are being urged to apply. Please contact RCC to express your interest in a NCSA summer internship:

3 AugustBill Gropp (NCSA Director)

NCSA overview

10 AugustDon Petravick (Senior Project Manager, Dark Energy Survey) & Margaret Johnson (Assistant Director for Astronomy)

Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) and Dark Energy Survey (DES)

17 AugustKenton McHenry (Principal Research Scientist) & Christine KirkpatrickNational Data Service
24 AugustMelissa Cragin (Midwest Big Data Hub Executive Director)Midwest Big Data Hub

31 August

Amy Marshall-Colon (Assistant Professor, Dept of Plant Biology), Matthew Turk (Assistant Professor, Dept of Information Sciences) & Colleen HeinemannCrops in Silico
7 SeptemberLuigi Marini (Lead Research Programmer) & Jong Lee (Principal Research Scientist)

Great Lakes to Gulf and Great Lakes Monitoring

14 SeptemberJong Lee (Principal Research Scientist)

Ergo Hazard Response Framework

21 SeptemberDonna Cox (Associate Director, Research & Education), AJ Christensen and Colter WehmeierDigital Cultural Heritage



28 JulyDr Haohuan Fu

Sunway TaihuLight: Designing and Tuning Scientific Applications at the Scale of 10-Million Cores

4 AugustDr Taisuke Boku

Cluster-base supercomputers and their performance and applications

25 AugustDr Jason H. HagaInformation Technologies for Natural Disaster Management
1 SeptemberProf. Habibah Wahab

Structural bioinformatics strategy in the design of antiviral drugs from natural products

8 SeptemberDr Fang-Pang Lin

Cyberinfrastructure for Smart and Connected Communities



29 July

Dr Shonali Krishnaswamy

Stories that Data Tells: Rich Insights from Sparse Data

5 August

Dr Genevieve Bell

The Internet of Living Things: Or, What are the Animals Telling Us?

12 August

Dr Michela Taufer

Who is afraid of I/O?: Exploring I/O Challenges and Opportunities at the Exascale

19 August

Dr Sandra Gesing

Increasing the Efficiency of Workflows: Use Cases in the Life Sciences
26 August

Prof. Ewa Deelman

Scientific Workflows for Science and the Science of Scientific Workflows

2 September

Assoc. Prof. Rommie Amaro  

Multi-scale Dynamics: Molecules to Cells 
9 September

Maxine Brown

Insight Through Images: Visualisation and Collaboration Technologies for Exploring Big Data
16 September

Prof. Liz Jessup

Easing the production and use of high-performance mathematical software

23 September

Dr Ilkay Altintas

Analysing Big Data using Workflows: from fighting wildfires to helping patients
7 October

Tabitha Samuel

Key elements of creating a sustainable infrastructure environment for HPC systems

14 October

Nancy Wilkins-Diehr

The Science Gateways Community Institute

21 October

Chelsea Parker

The Response of Tropical Cyclone Characteristics to Projected Climate Change in Northeast Australia through WRF simulations and Pseudo Global Warming Technique

28 October

Kate Keahey

Chameleon: Building an Experimental Instrument for Computer Science as Application of Cloud Computing

4 NovemberProfessor Mary Hall

The Role of an Autotuning Compiler in Getting to Exascale



31 JulyDr Peter BeckmanWaggle: A platform for distributed smart wireless sensors and in-situ parallel computation
7 AugustDr Charlie CatlettOpen data and instrumenting cities
14 AugustProf. Frank WürthweinA Large Hadron Collider case study: Where HPC and big data converge
21 AugustDr Merle GilesEconomic impact from industrial use of HPC
28 AugustProf. Jack DongarraAn overview of HPC and challenges for the future
4 SeptemberDr Chris JohnsonBig data visual analysis
11 SeptemberDr Philip BourneBiomedical research and healthcare: Are we in an era of disruption?
18 SeptemberDr William GroppComputing in transition: HPC and parallel I/O
25 SeptemberProf. Dan ReedTechnical computing: Past, present and future
9 OctoberDr Mark MillerThe CIPRES Science Gateway: A public resource for Phylogenetics
16 OctoberDr Jelena Pješivac-GrbovićComputing in Google Cloud Platform
23 OctoberDr Sandra Gesing
Science gateways in the big data era
30 OctoberDr Robert SinkovitsImproving wildlife tracking via HPC



1 AugustProf. Ewa DeelmanManaging the execution environment for scientific workflows
8 AugustDr Rommie AmaroEnabling chemical discovery through the lens of a computational microscope
15 AugustDr David BarnesBeyond the data cliff: Visualisation strategies for understanding large data
22 AugustDr Jurgen SchulzeVisual analysis of personal health data
29 AugustProf. Manish ParasharExploring clouds as enablers of science
5 SeptemberDr Gerhard KlimeckElevating nanaHUB to the next level: Vision and status 2014
12 SeptemberProf. Mark RaganModelling cancer as a transcriptional landscape
26 SeptemberDr Shonali KrishnaswamyThe Tell-Phone: Where mobility meets intelligence
17 OctoberDr Yifeng CuiScaled-up physics-based simulations for earthquake system science
24 OctoberProf. Andrew McCullochMulti-scale modelling of the failing heart: From mouse to human