Translational Computational Science: From The Lab To Practice
Translational research is well understood in medicine. Research projects not only target real world problems, but also “translate” the solutions into practice. Examples are common and well understood, for example determining how a tumour grows, designing drugs that destroy it, and then testing these in real world studies with patients. The advantages are clear: science is advanced but society benefits in immediate ways.
Translational research is less well understood and practiced in computing. All too often, research outcomes are not tested in the real world, and thus while solutions may appear attractive, they fail to be useful.
In this seminar I will discuss a framework that fosters the development of novel computer science, but tests the outcomes in practice. This has been deployed both in the Monash e-Science and Grid Engineering (MeSsAGE) Lab and the University of Queensland Research Computing Centre, (RCC) in which disruptive technologies are trialed in practice. These platforms incorporate a student-training component that offers international research internships to undergraduates, and a virtual seminar program that allows local researchers and students to interact with some of the world’s leading experts. Through industry engagement, the platforms also lead to commercial outcomes that have longer-term benefits for the research organisations.
Professor David Abramson is the Director, Research Computing Centre, and Professor of Computer Science at the University of Queensland.
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