UQ has partnered with IBM Australia to launch a Centre of Excellence which will support researchers working across a wide range of disciplines including but not limited to health, life-sciences, manufacturing and environmental sciences

The IBM@UQ Centre of Excellence & Innovation will help address the challenges associated with extreme data growth, data organisation and data storage.

This partnership is expected to accelerate research being conducted within the University and provide valuable support to researchers, including the provision of innovative platforms.

RCC has deployed multiple IBM storage 'caches' that underpin the UQ’s unique campus-wide MeDiCI data fabric.

Based on IBM’s Spectrum Scale product, MeDiCI provides seamless access to data collections, regardless of whether they are used on workstations, laptops, supercomputers or scientific instruments. Importantly, it supports the bulk of the storage volume for data collections in the University’s Research Data Manager (RDM) system, which is housed in the Polaris Data Centre in Springfield.