About the Research Computing Centre

The Research Computing Centre (RCC), established in 2011, provides coordinated management and support of The University of Queensland’s sustained and substantial investment in eResearch. 

RCC is an innovative and multidisciplinary environment that supports research collaboration to facilitate discoveries in science, engineering, humanities and social sciences through advanced computation, data analysis and other digital research tools.

RCC aggregates expertise in core eResearch areas, such as cloud computing, data management, high-performance computing (HPC), workflow tools and visualisation.

The Centre builds on key support services within the University, namely Information Technology Services (ITS) and the Library

RCC can provide advice and support to UQ researchers on:

  • high-performance computing
  • data management and data scoping
  • cloud computing and cloud storage
  • visualisation and imaging support
  • workflow systems and scripting.

RCC leverages investment by government in initiatives such as the Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation (QCIF), and the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC). In collaboration with QCIF, the RCC manages QRIScloud, the Queensland node of the ARDC Nectar Research Cloud. 

RCC builds an expandable layer of domain expertise in:

  • biosciences (especially bioinformatics and genomics)
  • computational engineering
  • environment and ecology
  • humanities and social sciences
  • advanced imaging
  • artificial intelligence.

These domain layers are the primary interface to researchers and are collaborative ventures with existing groups.

RCC runs a series of open seminars, which UQ researchers are welcome to attend.

RCC uses a collaborative funding model involving multiple sources, including UQ’s Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), QCIF, ARDC, and other initiatives.

RCC's Mission

The Research Computing Centre (RCC) leverages research technologies to enable researchers at The University of Queensland to collaborate with others, store and share their research data and improve the efficiency of their research practice. 

RCC has a range of technologies, including high-performance computing, cloud data storage,  and virtual machines. Researchers can mix and match these technologies to suit their needs. 

RCC has developed a structure and interaction model that matches the way research is conducted at UQ, leveraging expertise in Faculties, Research Centres, Institutes and other support groups. 

Because the UQ research landscape is complex, diverse, distributed, and employs widely different models that are domain specific, RCC has developed a unique, multi‐tiered structure that both lessens the gap between researchers and eResearch infrastructure, but empowers those who already have the skills to excel.

To align with UQ's 2023 Research and Discovery pillar  RCC has the following goals:

  • With judicious and applied use of advanced technologies, deliver on the core priorities of UQ’s research roadmap.
  • Form partnerships with researchers and research teams in key UQ research priority areas.
  • Form partnerships with the wider sector and our technology partners.
  • Increase research uptake of leading-edge equipment and software.
  • Promote eResearch within UQ.
  • Play a leading role in national eResearch policy.
  • Ensure our Central Research Platforms (CRPs) are well governed, defined and contributing to the research effort locally and in support of our NCRIS platforms.

RCC layers domain specific expertise on top of generic computing tools.

Researchers can engage at a variety of levels depending on their own skills and needs.