Consistent with UQ's policies on volunteers and casual employment and the Fair Work Act 2009, the Research Computing Centre offers, from time to time, workplace experience opportunities for students and recent graduates. This work experience can be paid or unpaid.

Applicants should submit (via email to their CV and a one-page expression of interest outlining what they hope to achieve from the experience.

If applicants have a specific package of work or mini-project in mind, details  should be included in the expression of interest. Expressions of interest can be sent in at any time.

Once received, the expression of interest and CV will be assessed. The student will be invited in for an informal interview at which their suitability will be assessed and a proposal for the sort of activity to be undertaken discussed. 

Any resulting internship might be paid or unpaid. Students will be expected to operate under close supervision for the first two weeks of the internship while their skills and suitability are assessed.