Upcoming training sessions

Title: Introduction to HPC

Short description:
This session will be primarily for new users of Bunya HPC but is also beneficial for new users of the Wiener HPC system.
This training usually takes place from 10:00-13:30 on a Tuesday of each month- usually the last Tuesday of the month.
(Subject to instructor availability, system maintenance and public holidays intervening).

Presenters: RCC's Dr David Green and Dr Marlies Hankel.

Training material: Provided online.

Location: Via Zoom video conferencing.
The Intro to HPC Training will take place via Zoom videoconferencing until further notice.

To derive the maximum benefit from the training session, you should have your HPC access organised before the training session. Applications for access to Bunya HPC can take up to one week to be finalised.

Please apply for training and also your Bunya HPC access well ahead of the date of the session.


  • Tuesday, 28 January 2025,  10:00am–1:30pm (Confirmed)
  • Tuesday, 25 February 2025,  10:00am–1:30pm (To be confirmed)
  • Tuesday, 25 March 2024,  10:00am–1:30pm (To be confirmed)
  • Tuesday, 29 April 2024,  10:00am–1:30pm (To be confirmed)
  • Tuesday, 27 May 2024,  10:00am–1:30pm (To be confirmed)
  • Tuesday, 24 June 2024,  10:00am–1:30pm (To be confirmed)

Register via email to rcc-support@uq.edu.au to attend UQ only training sessions.

Specialty training sessions for research groups may be considered and can be requested by emailing the RCC Support Desk: rcc-support@uq.edu.au

Regular training sessions

Title: Introduction to High Performance Computing
Dates & time: Monthly, subject to demand. Date and time to be confirmed each month- however generally the last Tuesday morning of each month unless public holidays or other things intervene.
The next session should be listed at the top of this page content.                
Short description: The aim of this short course is to build core competencies in HPC such as command line proficiency, getting data on and off HPC, using software packages, submitting batch jobs and data archiving. The course is very hands-on with brief labs to demonstrate the principles and run examples. All new users of the RCC HPC facilities are encouraged to attend. One-on-one training is provided via RCC Meetups (Hacky Hour and vHPC)
Presenter: RCC's David Green and Marlies Hankel.
Training material: Provided online
Location: via Zoom, until further notice
Register: Via email to rcc-support@uq.edu.au

On-demand training

Title: Introduction to Galaxy
Dates & time: By arrangement with Dr Igor Makunin
Short description: We cover different topics of nextGen sequencing data analysis using Galaxy platform, such as RNA-Seq, Variant identification / resequencing, ChIP-Seq, microbial genome assembly, or general data manipulation, including creation and use of workflows in Galaxy. Workflows can be developed on request from users.
Presenter: Dr Igor Makunin, RCC UQ                                                
Contact: Dr Igor Makunin, RCC, i.makunin@uq.edu.au       

Tips for using Zoom for Meetups and Training

A critical component of any video conference is the audio.
To avoid problems for all participants, please ensure that you

  • use a headset (earbuds, or something more substantial), or an echo cancelling speaker/microphone device, and that you
  • ensure that Zoom is configured to use that audio device for both microphone and speaker functions,
  • if you are in a noisy environment keep your microphone muted except when you speak. Zoom has a hot key combination for mute/unmute.

Whether working from home, or at work,

  • be conscious of visual distractions in the background (eg. colleagues, family members or pets walking past)
  • try to avoid having strong lighting behind you which makes you a silhouette (eg. overhead lights, unshaded windows)
  • often the glow from your laptop screen or monitor is sufficient front illumination
  • if your network bandwidth is constrained, consider stopping your video and sending a still photo instead.

Previous training session titles

Title: Introduction to HPC

Title: Wiener HPC Training

Title: Introduction to Network Visualisation and Cytoscape

Title: Creating a virtual machine on the Australian Research Cloud

Title: Engineering Software Tools Inspire & Evolve workshop

Title: Galaxy workshop

Title: Tinaroo HPC Applications Training

Title: Altair HyperWorks training

Title: Software Carpentry Bootcamp

Title: Statistics for Frightened Bio-Researchers

Title: FlashLite Information Session

Title: Kepler Scientific Workflow System workshop

Title: The Winter School in Mathematical and Computational Biology

Title: NCI Training Sessions — Raijin

Title: ScaleMP vSMP Training Module 1.1

Title: RNA-Seq in Galaxy

Title: Genomics Virtual Lab: analyse your data with a mouse click

Title: Differential gene expression analysis in Galaxy

Title: Genomics Virtual Lab: analyse your data with a mouse click