RCC Service Desk
9am—5pm (AEST) weekdays

The RCC Service Desk is open9am—5pm (AEST) weekdays(except for UQ holidays and closures). 

Support requests fromUQand QCIF users of Bunya,Wiener and general RCC matters should be made to the RCC Support Desk by emailing: rcc-support@uq.edu.au. You can expect an acknowledgement email to follow shortly.  

Applications for accounts from new users should be made by following the steps outlined in the 'Getting an Account' section of the relevant technology under the ‘Systems’ tab of this website, e.g., forBunya andWiener. 

For help with QRIScloud, please visit theQRIScloud website's Support webpage. 

For general enquiries about RCC (this excludes technical, Bunya and Wiener support requests, these are required to be submitted to rcc-support@uq.edu.au), email rcc-admin@uq.edu.au or phone: +61 7 3365 8350.