Web portals have become integral components of our digital landscape, serving as gateways to a variety of information, services and resources.   

These digital/online platforms serve as interactive hubs designed to streamline user experiences and provide a unified interface for diverse content.  

RCC offers advanced computing solutions to UQ researchers to propel research endeavours forward. 

Image Processing Portal, Pitschi,and XNAT are a few examples of RCC-developed web portals that combine cutting-edge web technologies with an application framework, making it possible for non-computer science researchers to utilis computational resources without the need for command-line expertise.  

RCC web developers can assist UQ researchers with creating web portals that:   

  • allow access only to authenticated users  

  • seamlessly integrate diverse research tools and resources  

  • facilitate data sharing and visualisation 

  • optimise user engagement through user-centric designs 

  • provide access to organisational high-performance computing resources and submit SLURM jobs  

  • handle experiment data on HPC clustered file systems interactively within the browser 

  • connect with repositories such as GitHub to download and execute scripts for analysis. 

RCC’s web developers work beyond the initial development phase. They also provide ongoing support and maintenance of web portals, promptly addressing any issues or updates to ensure uninterrupted access to the portal.  

Any queries about RCC’s web portals service, please contact the RCC Service Desk.