
Professor Maxine D. Brown, Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago


Today, most professions rely on computers to generate, capture, filter, analyse and visualise data. These troves of data are invaluable to scientists as they explore the raw information and evidence needed for new insights and discovery; however, making those insights is an ever more complicated task, as the scale and complexity of data continue to grow at unprecedented rates.

Today's Big Data comes from supercomputers, data stores, and sensors. To make sense of all this information, researchers need advanced cyberinfrastructure that includes Big Displays connected to these Big Data Generators via Big Networks.

The Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) at the University of Illinois at Chicago specialises in the design and development of high-performance visualisation, virtual-reality and collaboration display systems and applications utilising advanced networking.

This presentation presents an overview of EVL’s research agenda, and how the Lab is helping enhance immersive simulation exploration and information-rich analysis, and enabling scientific discovery through interdisciplinary collaboration.


Maxine Brown is the Director of the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), responsible for fundraising, outreach, documentation, and promotion of its research activities.

Her research interests include computer graphics, scientific visualizsation, collaboration, human-computer interfaces, and high-performance computing and international network infrastructure.

Brown has been active in the ACM SIGGRAPH organisation and in SIGGRAPH and ACM/IEEE Supercomputing conferences; she was recently Co-Chair of the IEEE Visualization 2015 conference, held in Chicago. 

In recognition of her services to UIC and the community at large, Brown is a recipient of the 1990 UIC Chancellor’s Academic Professional Excellence (CAPE) award; the 2001 UIC Merit Award; and the 1998 ACM SIGGRAPH Outstanding Service Award.

In 2009, Chicago’s award-winning multimedia public affairs series “Chicago Matters: Beyond Burnham” designated Brown as one of 15 Global Visionaries for her role in co-developing the StarLight national/international communications exchange, located in downtown Chicago

About RCC/MURPA Seminar Series

RCC and MURPA (Monash Undergraduate Research Projects Abroad) co-host an IT-focused seminar series in the second semester each year.

Speakers are leaders in their field — from either the academic world, government or industry — and are often based overseas. 

Speakers and seminar attendees at UQ and Monash University are connected via the universities' advanced videoconferencing facilities. 

The UQ location is room 505A, level 5, Axon Building (47), St Lucia Campus. Please address enquiries to Fran Moore at: rcc-admin@uq.edu.au.

The Monash University location is Lecture Theatre S3, 16  Rainforest Walk, Clayton Campus. Please address enquiries to Caitlin Slattery at: caitlin.slattery@monash.edu.


Axon Building 47, The University of Queensland (St Lucia)