
Cloud computing represents a collection of different technologies that offer great promise but with sprawling features and documentation that can test one’s patience.

In this seminar we will examine some common ‘cloud computing myths’ and two kinds of commonly used cloud data stores – attachable, shareable file systems and Web object stores.

Different implementations from four cloud vendors (Amazon, Google, Microsoft Azure, and OpenStack) will be compared.

In addition, for Web object stores, the increase in data throughput achieved by several optimisation strategies will be examined.

Speaker bio: 

James Gallagher is one of the developers of the Data Access Protocol (DAP) and is a co-founder of  OPeNDAP. Before that he worked on the Distributed Oceanographic Data System (DODS) project, alongside Peter Cornillon, Glenn Flierl and George Milkowski. The DODS project developed the initial versions of the DAP and its core software implementation.

James assumed the role of OPeNDAP President in 2015.  

James Gallagher


RCC seminar room (level 5), Axon Building #47 (St Lucia)