Short description: Dynamic simulations of fault ruptures and seismic wave propagation cannot yet achieve the physical scale range needed to explore important domains of earthquake behavior. This talk presents the recent technical effects in scaling up a community finite difference code on advanced heterogeneous supercomputers. We illustrate the acceleration of the critical strain tensor calculations, coupled with co-scheduling capabilities of workflow-managed systems, and how to make a statewide hazard model a goal reachable with existing supercomputers

Presenter: Dr Yifeng Cui, Director HUBzero® Platform for Scientific Collaboration, Purdue University 

About RCC/MURPA Seminar Series

RCC and MURPA (Monash Undergraduate Research Projects Abroad) co-host an IT-focused seminar series in the second semester each year.

Speakers are leaders in their field — from either the academic world, government or industry — and are often based overseas. 

Speakers and seminar attendees at UQ and Monash University are connected via the universities' advanced videoconferencing facilities. 

The UQ location is room 505A, level 5, Axon Building (47), St Lucia Campus. Please address enquiries to Fran Moore at:

The Monash University location is Lecture Theatre S3, 16  Rainforest Walk, Clayton Campus. Please address enquiries to Caitlin Slattery at:


Level 5, Axon Building (47), St Lucia Campus, UQ