Title: Addressing Performance and Programmability Challenges in Current and Future Supercomputers
Short description: With future high-end systems becoming more parallel with more processors per node, more threads per processor, longer vector lengths, and more complex memory hierarchies, application developers need an environment that can maximise programmability, and ease porting and tuning efforts to close the gap between observed performance and achievable performance, while not losing sight of performance portability across a wide range of systems. Developers need sophisticated tools and adaptive runtime systems that can help solve multi-disciplinary and multi-scale problems, enabling them to achieve high levels of performance. In this talk I will present Cray's programming environment vision and will discuss some of the challenges and open research problems that need to be addressed to build the system software for extreme-scale systems.
Presenter: Dr Luiz DeRose (Cray Inc, USA)


B49 Advanced Engineering Building, St Lucia Campus, UQ, QLD 4067