1. About Galaxy Australia

RCC provides Galaxy Australia, a freely available hosted service of Galaxy (a Web-based platform for accessible, reproducible, and transparent bioinformatics analysis) that all UQ researchers can access.

Galaxy is focused on the analysis of high-throughput sequencing and genomics data and provides a broad range of bioinformatics tools (e.g. for assembly, alignment, RNA-seq, metagenomics etc.) and ample amount of working storage.  

Galaxy Australia is:

  • Accessible: Users without programming experience can easily specify parameters and run tools and workflows — all in your browser.
  • Reproducible: Galaxy captures information about data processing for every file in a ‘history’ so that any user can repeat and understand a complete computational analysis.
  • Transparent: Users can share and publish analyses via the Web and create ‘pages’ — interactive, Web-based documents that describe a complete analysis.

Keen to try Galaxy Australia? It’s simple, just visit Galaxy Australia, register, and start using it.

RCC employs full-time support (see the team below) for helping Galaxy Australia users. Email help@genome.edu.au to arrange a one-on-one discussion about how you can use Galaxy Australia in your research, a seminar or a training session.

QCIF regularly holds training sessions on Galaxy Australia, largely online workshops.Check QCIF’s training webpage for details of upcoming sessions. 

You can also follow @GalaxyAustralia on Twitter for updates.