RCC staff co-author papers on wind energy and batteries

9 Dec 2015
Paul Bell

RCC's Paul Bell is the lead author of a paper on wind turbines and electricity demand, published in the Economic Analysis and Policy journal on 23 November. 

The full paper title is: 'Wind speed and electricity demand correlation analysis in the Australian National Electricity Market: determining wind turbine generators' ability to meet electricity demand without energy storage'.

Paul co-authored the paper with fellow UQ researchers.

Meanwhile, RCC’s Dr Marlies Hankel  has co-authored a paper published in the Advanced Functional Materials journal on her research into lithium-rich cathode materials for lithium ion batteries.

Dr Hankel co-authored the paper with fellow researchers in UQ’s Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN).

This is in addition to a paper that was published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C on 'Lithium and sodium storage on graphite carbon nitride', which we announced in the October edition of RCC News.

Dr Marlies Hankel     

