RCC staff co-author journal papers

7 Oct 2015
Dr Cihan Altinay

Three RCC staff have had journal papers released in the last month. 

Dr Marlies Hankel conceived the idea, did all the calculations and wrote the manuscript for the paper in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C on 'Lithium and sodium storage on graphite carbon nitride'. 

Dr Nick Hamilton co-authored the paper 'Feedback regulation through myosin II confers robustness on RhoA signalling at E-cadherin junctions' in Nature Cell Biology. 

His part was to create the mathematical model of a subcellular feedback loop that when combined with experimental data predicted and explained the stability of regions that enable cells to adhere to one another.

Dr Cihan Altinay has co-authored two papers related to his software development work on the escript inversion toolkit, an open-source computational tool for running large scale geophysical inversions.

The Computers and Geosciences journal published the benchmark paper, 'Inversion of potential field data using the finite element method on parallel computers', that describes the mathematical method and scaling behaviour on high performance computing clusters.

The application paper 'Australia's lithospheric density field, and its isostatic equilibration' was published in the Geophysical Journal International. This paper is the result of a University of Queensland/University of Western Australia Bilateral Research Collaboration Award.

Dr Marlies Hankel
Dr Nick Hamilton

