Industry researchers join second UQ-based Software Carpentry bootcamp

7 Oct 2015

RCC eResearch Analyst Team Leader Belinda Weaver was in instructor-mode at the second Brisbane Software Carpentry bootcamp, 28–29 September. She is pictured right (standing) explaining the intricacies of Git repositories. (Photo by UQ's Dr Nick Hamilton.) 

The bootcamp, held on The University of Queensland's St Lucia Campus, had 38 participants, with an evenly split gender balance.

A point of difference from UQ's July Software Carpentry bootcamp is that this time industry and post-doc researchers and one undergraduate student joined the graduate students. The universities featured included UQ, Griffith, QUT and the University of the Sunshine Coast.  

Sign up here to register your interest in a two-day Software Carpentry instructor training workshop in Brisbane in January 2016.

The participants at the UQ-based September Software Carpentry bootcamp. (Photo by Dr Surya Singh, ITEE, UQ. ) 

