RCC hosts training to support Tinaroo's purchase

14 Jul 2016
Altair Engineering’s Hyperworks running remotely

RCC has hosted two training courses in the last few months as part of UQ’s purchase of Tinaroo, the university’s latest high performance computer

Altair HyperWorks training was held from 4–6 May, which researchers from the Schools of ITEE and Mechanical and Mining Engineering attended.

The suite of HyperWorks software is comprised of a large number of components including modelling and meshing tools, solvers, visualisers and workload management modules.

The training focused on HyperMesh, HyperView, OptiStruct, Insight and FEKO components.

RCC is making the HyperWorks software suite available for use on Tinaroo and Euramoo clusters. Graphics-intensive applications can be operated over the network using remote rendering techniques RCC has deployed on QRIScloud.

UQ HPC users who are interested in using these tools should email rcc-support@uq.edu.au and mention HyperWorks in the message subject.

RCC’s second training session in support of Tinaroo was on the development and deployment of applications on the new HPC.

SGI, Tinaroo’s vendor, conducted the four-day course, held 6–9 June, which researchers and users from Civil Engineering, Mechanical and Mining Engineering, Computational Chemistry and Earth Sciences attended.

The training focused on the small, medium and large steps that can be taken to improve the performance of HPC codes on a cluster like Tinaroo. Participants worked on their codes with help from instructors and several left the sessions with their favourite codes ‘good to go’ for Tinaroo.

SGI will repeat its Tinaroo training course at UQ in 2017 and 2018.

RCC delivers basic training about Tinaroo, Euramoo and FlashLite at its ‘Intro to HPC’ sessions on the last Friday of the month. Check the RCC Training webpage for upcoming sessions.

Users who would like to know about building HPC applications for Tinaroo should contact rcc-support@uq.edu.au for help. 

Visit the RCC Tinaroo webpage for information about how to obtain an account. More information about Tinaroo is also available in the Tinaroo User Guide
