More women featured at this year's Winter School

14 Jul 2016
Speakers at the 2016 Winter School, L–R: Dr Siew Kee Amanda Low, Dr Kate Patterson and Alexandra Essebier. (Photos by Dr Nick Hamilton.)

Gender balance was a particular feature of this year’s Winter School in Mathematical and Computational Biology, held 4–8 July at UQ, with near parity in presenters and workshop organisers.

Of the 34 invited presenters, workshop organisers and those who gave resource talks, 16 were women, i.e. 47 per cent.

“Gender balance was something that was noted approvingly by many attendees,” said Dr Nick Hamilton of RCC, QCIF and IMB, who chaired this year's event.

“Generally the audience feedback has been great with one participant saying, ‘inspiring speakers, a great event, I’ve learned so much that will be useful in my research’.”

The Winter School attracted five international bioinformatics leaders as presenters: Prof. Burkhard Rost, Technical University of Munich; Prof. Edward DeLong, University of Hawaii; Prof. Howard Ochman, University of Texas; Dr Mathieu Bourgey, McGill University, Canada; and Assoc. Prof. Mik Black, University of Otago, New Zealand.

Most slides from the talks will be uploaded in the next week or two to the 'Program' page of the 2016 Winter School website.

RCC was one of this year’s Winter School sponsors.
