Largest turnout yet for bioinformatics Winter School

14 Aug 2015
AGRF's Ken McGrath explaining Game of Thrones in terms of sequencing machines.

The largest bioinformatics training event in Australia, the 12th Annual Winter School in Mathematical & Computational Biology, was held 6–10 July at UQ.

Attendee numbers were up this year with more than 240 participants from some 60 institutions from as far afield as Italy, Mexico, Poland and Canada.

Dr Nick Hamilton of RCC/IMB chaired this year's event, which both RCC and QCIF sponsored.

Some 40 presentations were given across the week from a range of international and national leaders in the field of bioinformatics.  A new feature was the Faculty of 1000 Speaker Prizes, which were awarded by popular vote to Prof John Quackenbush (Harvard) Ken McGrath (AGRF) and Seán O’Donoghue (CSIRO).
