Award honours work of GVL team

22 Feb 2016
RCC Director Prof David Abramson accepting his iTnews Benchmark Award for Education CIO of the year

RCC Director Prof David Abramson won an iTnews Benchmark Award for Education Chief Information Officer of the year on Wednesday, 17 February.

The award was for his work on the Genomics Virtual Lab, a suite of user-friendly cloud-based genomics analysis tools powered by the NeCTAR federated research cloud.

“The infrastructure we build makes genomics and biology researchers more efficient because they can focus on their science,” Professor Abramson said.

“The award is really a tribute to the work of the GVL team. The project was initiated by Dr Mike Pheasant from the UQ Institute of Molecular Bioscience, before I joined UQ in 2013.”

The GVL team comprises at RCC of Dr Nicholas Hamilton, Dr Igor Makunin and Derek Benson, as well as a team from The University of Melbourne, headed by Prof Andrew Lonie. 

Read more about the award on iTnews.
