Santa delivers bigger and better storage for FlashLite

22 Feb 2016

UQ’s new data-intensive high performance computer FlashLite has greater storage thanks to upgrades during the summer holiday period.

Network-attached storage was significantly increased from 230 TB to 697 TB and the number of drive shelves was boosted from one to five which improves internal connectivity.

“To put it simply, five shelves are better than one for capacity and performance of FlashLite’s network storage,” says RCC Deputy Director David Green.

FlashLite’s other improvement is better performance for big memory jobs that do not require a lot of CPUs (central processing units), such as genome assembly.

FlashLite is for data-intensive applications that need very high performance secondary memory as well as large amounts of primary (main) memory.

More than 1,500 jobs have been run on FlashLite since its installation at UQ in late August 2015, with 50 user accounts currently deployed.

For further information about FlashLite’s upgrade, please contact
