Apply to join the NCMAS committee

14 Jul 2016

The National Computational Merit Allocation Scheme is calling for expressions of interest to join its committee.

NCMAS provides access, based on research and computational merit, for researchers at Australian universities and publicly-funded research agencies, to resource shares at the major national computational facilities. Resource allocations are made by an independent peer-review committee, the secretariat services for which are provided by the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) from its base at the Australian National University in Canberra.

Committee members will be appointed on an honorary basis for a four-year term with half of the Committee being renewed every two years. A Deputy Chair and Chair will be appointed for a two-year term from the Committee’s membership. 

Applications are welcomed from appropriately qualified researchers (including early and mid-career researchers) in any computationally and data-intensive research fields of science and engineering.

Applications close 9am AEST on Monday, 1 August 2016. Visit the NCMAS webpage for more information. 
