UQ trio heads to SC19

18 Nov 2019

Three UQ high-performance computing specialists will attend SC19 this week, the world’s largest supercomputing conference held in the United States.

RCC Director Prof. David Abramson, RCC Chief Technology Officer Jake Carroll and Irek Porebski, a Senior Systems Programmer at the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI), will attend the conference in Denver, Colorado from 17–22 November.

They will meet with IT vendors to ensure UQ is up-to-speed on the latest technological developments.

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) organise the enormous conference, which touches on just about every aspect of HPC, from applications to software and hardware.

This year, Prof. Abramson is the vice-chair of SC19's invited speakers committee. (See our separate article about SC19's invited speakers.) He and chair Prof. Manish Parashar, from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey University, published a paper in IEEE Computer  prior to the conference about ‘Translational Computer Science’ (TCS), which they’ve emphasised in their choice of speakers.

“Like its counterpart, Translational Medicine, TCS focuses on taking computer science research into practice. In some way, each of the invited talks has achieved a degree of translation,” said Prof. Abramson.

The paper is free-to-read if you are logged into your UQ account.

For the last few years, UQ and RCC have sponsored a small group of Brisbane high school students to attend the supercomputing conference. This year, four Year 10 Queensland Academy for Science, Mathematics and Technology (QASMT) students will attend SC19 alongside students from the John Monash Science School.
