Ashley Wright joins RCC

18 Nov 2019
Ashley Wright

High-performance computing and Linux specialist Ashley Wright has joined RCC as a Senior Systems Administrator.

Ashley joins UQ from QUT, where he helped researchers with HPC and data analysis for more than 15 years.

He has extensive expertise in HPC systems, large data management and code optimisation. He also has experience in systems and service management and monitoring, networking and Linux programming.

He has degrees in both Information Technology (software engineering and networking) and Mathematics (computational, statistics and finance).

Ashley is keen to be involved in technological change at UQ and its dynamic research environment.

“I am looking forward to hearing what interesting research projects the UQ community is up to, and how they are using computing and data to help investigate and solve these questions,” he said.

RCC Director Prof. David Abramson welcomes Ashley’s wealth of experience to the team.

“His expertise is a perfect match for RCC, and he will be a great asset for UQ,” said David.
