RCC Director wins global computing award

31 May 2021
Professor David Abramson

RCC’s Director received an international award this month in recognition of his significant contribution to the high-performance computing community.

The citation states Professor David Abramson received the 2021 TCPP Outstanding Service and Contributions Award: “In recognition of his exceptional and sustained contributions to the international parallel, distributed and high-performance computing community, including his visionary leadership of innovative international initiatives, tireless service to conferences and societies both globally and in Australia, and a tremendous record of mentoring young researchers.”

David said he is delighted to have served the international parallel computing community and to have that recognised.

“I’m especially pleased to have my mentoring efforts acknowledged,” he said. “Our world will continue to become increasingly reliant on technology and I believe it’s incredibly important to actively support the next generation of computing experts.”

According to a TCPP statement, David was recognised for his “ground-breaking research”, “influential mentoring focused on undergraduate opportunities” and “extensive service to the HPC community”.

Over a career spanning more than 40 years, David has produced significant research in distributed shared memory, parallel debuggers, grid computing and systems for data-intensive apps.

He has also spent three decades in leadership roles and on HPC conference program committees, including the world’s biggest supercomputing conference, IEEE/ACM The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis.

David has held more than 80 leadership roles in the past 10 years alone, and is currently on six editorial boards for HPC journals.

His mentoring includes founding the QURPA and MURPA (Queensland/Monash Undergraduate Research Projects Abroad) programs, which place IT and Electrical Engineering undergraduate students from UQ and Monash University into eight-week internships at RCC’s international partners during Australia’s summer semester break.

TCPP [Technical Committee on Parallel Processing] is an international forum of the IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Computer Society, which has more than 200 chapters worldwide.

TCPP’s selection committee for the award included researchers from the US, Switzerland, Japan and Germany.
