Wiener becomes first UQ HPC to use Multi-Factor Authentication

31 May 2021

Wiener is the first supercomputer at The University of Queensland to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) as an additional layer of cybersecurity.

MFA was enabled on Wiener on Tuesday, 25 May after two months of testing and pre-production validation.

Just as UQ staff and students use ‘Duo’, an MFA app on their mobile phone, to access their UQ email with a unique code, they will also use it to access Wiener, a high-performance computer (HPC) for imaging-intensive science.

"MFA benefits UQ researchers by adding a strong additional layer of security, helping to prevent unauthorised access to their accounts, data and research services,” said RCC Chief Technology Officer Jake Carroll.

RCC Director Professor David Abramson said: “Adding MFA to Wiener is another step in improving the security of our HPC resources and brings it into best practice internationally.”

UQ’s three other RCC-managed HPCs—Tinaroo, Awoonga and FlashLite—have a program of works to scope, design and test the progressive roll out of MFA. Dates are to be confirmed, but HPC users will be emailed several weeks in advance of any MFA activation.

Wiener was the first HPC to have MFA implemented for two reasons. Firstly, as a machine well known outside of UQ, there is a higher chance of unwanted attention from malicious actors. Secondly, as it is UQ’s newest HPC, and most tightly integrated with UQ’s identity systems, it was the easiest machine to set up with MFA.

RCC’s roll out of MFA for UQ’s HPCs is part of the University’s focus on improving cybersecurity.

Any queries about MFA on Wiener, please contact the RCC Support Desk
