RCC and the COVID-19 crisis

24 Mar 2020

As the COVID-19 situation develops, RCC has been engaged in various preparedness initiatives, such as working from home if required, as per the UQ Vice-Chancellor’s email of Friday, 13 March.

RCC offers users services that are predominantly virtual, meaning that for the most part, the effects of COVID-19 on staff location do not change our ability to provide computational, storage and eResearch platforms. 

RCC is working with the wider university to ensure our infrastructure is accessible and functional should there be a requirement for us to all work from home. 

For many of our users, this is no different from the way they normally consume our services. Subject to UQ's core network being available, users can be almost anywhere in the world and still access our supercomputing infrastructure, storage, and other eResearch platforms. 

Unless otherwise stated in a future update and subject to the policy and decision-making processes of UQ, RCC will endeavour to provide the same support services as we would during normal business hours should we have to work remotely. 

See our separate article about Hacky Hour and our high-performance computing training moving online. 

We encourage our community and users to make contact via rcc-support@uq.edu.au should you have any questions.
