RCC moves Hacky Hour online and launches virtual HPC training

24 Mar 2020
UQ's Hacky Hour in pre-pandemic times (Photo: Dr Nick Hamilton, RCC.)

RCC has moved Hacky Hour online due to the COVID-19 pandemic and will make its monthly ‘Introduction to HPC’ workshops virtual too.

As well as these measures, RCC trialled its first weekly virtual HPC (vHPC) training session via Zoom on Friday, 13 March.

vHPC is an informal drop-in session and will be held each Friday, 1pm–2pm, until further notice. You will need to sign into Zoom and use the Meeting ID 535-415-695, or this link, to access the vHPC session. Make yourselves comfortable in the waiting room until the session begins.

RCC will continue to hold its three-hour ‘Introduction to HPC’ workshops, usually held on the last Friday of each month. These workshops have normally been face-to-face but will go online (via Zoom), as of Friday, 27 March, due to the coronavirus.

To register for ‘Introduction to HPC’ training, please email rcc-support@uq.edu.au.

Meanwhile, UQ’s weekly Hacky Hour meetup will be held virtually via Zoom from Tuesday, 24 March, 3pm–4pm, for as long as necessary. Tuesday was the first time UQ’s Hacky Hour was held virtually, so please note there may be some issues early on that will hopefully be fixed over the coming weeks.

The virtual Hacky Hour will be held on Tuesdays, 3pm–4pm, if IT specialists are available that day to offer their expertise. Please check Hacky Hour on Twitter in case a session needs to be cancelled.

Researchers, please have your questions ready and contact Hacky Hour organiser Dr Nick Hamilton for the Zoom details: n.hamilton@uq.edu.au.

Dr Nick, a RCC eResearch Analyst, said: “Though COVID-19 is causing significant disruption, it will be great if we can keep things going as much as possible and support the university community. Hopefully this passes relatively soon, and we can get back to coffee shop Hacky Hours.”
