RCC eResearch Analyst Dr Nick Hamilton was a featured speaker at a geometry workshop in Adelaide this week in honour of Australian mathematician Professor Tim Penttila.
Nick discussed his research at UQ’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB) in kidney imaging and mathematical modelling at the workshop, held 16–17 December at the University of Adelaide.
“Tim was my PhD supervisor at the University of Western Australia where I studied pure mathematics, and I was his first PhD student to complete,” said Nick.
Prof. Penttila, who is almost 60, obtained his bachelor’s degree from the University of Adelaide and is currently at Colorado State University after an academic career at the University of Western Australia.
The Adelaide workshop, titled “Finite geometry: a workshop in honour of Tim Penttila”, featured talks from some of Prof. Penttila’s collaborators, including Nick.
Finite geometry is a diverse and far-ranging discipline. Fields covered in the workshop included combinatorial designs, coding theory, the structure of finite classical groups, incidence geometry, information security, and related topics.
The Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute and the Institute for Geometry and its Applications supported the workshop.