ELIXIR Director calls for closer collaboration between Australia and Europe

22 Feb 2016
Dr Niklas Blomberg

The Director of ELIXIR, sustainable European infrastructure for biological information, called for a path towards Australian membership in ELIXIR in his report delivered following his Australia tour.

Dr Niklas Blomberg visited Australia in late 2015 as a guest of VLSCI and EMBL Australia, with funding support from Bioplatforms Australia.

During his tour, Dr Blomberg delivered a QCIF, RCC and EMBL Australia co-sponsored seminar on at UQ about ELIXIR and life sciences data across public and private sectors.

After his tour, Dr Blomberg reported: “I took home that Australia in general and those institutes I visited are well placed to serve the bioinformatics needs of local users. Furthermore, there exist many parallels with European data infrastructure efforts that could be leveraged for mutual benefit. Closer collaboration with ELIXIR should be encouraged with the long-term goal of membership in ELIXIR by Australia the most effective way of achieving this global cooperation.”

Read Dr Blomberg’s full report with an EMBL Australia introduction.
