UQ hosts first Brisbane Software Carpentry instructor training workskop

22 Feb 2016
Dr Aleksandra Pawlik (standing) leads the final session at the Brisbane Software Carpentry/Data Carpentry instructor training workshop. (Photo by Belinda Weaver, RCC.)

RCC/QCIF eResearch Analyst Team Leader Belinda Weaver organised the inaugural Brisbane Software Carpentry/Data Carpentry instructor training workshop across 18–19 January at UQ.

The result is 20 potential new Software Carpentry/Data Carpentry instructors for Australia.

Five people attended from Sydney, two from Canberra, and the rest from Queensland universities UQ, QUT, JCU, USQ, CQU and Griffith University.

Dr Aleksandra Pawlik, Training Lead at the UK’s Software Sustainability Institute, conducted the workshop with sessions and challenges ranging from the theoretical — of how and why people learn (or fail to learn) — to the practical with individuals teaching-to-camera, followed by an assessment of what did and didn’t work.

Attendees will need to teach a workshop within the next six months to become an accredited instructor.
