RCC calls for Tinaroo early adopters and trainees

19 May 2016
Tinaroo is installed within the Polaris Data Centre at Springfield, Queensland.

RCC is calling for early adopters of the new high performance computer Tinaroo to step up and apply for their accounts. Tinaroo’s position within RCC’s advanced computing strategy is outlined on the RCC website
Tinaroo is exclusively for UQ researchers and replaces Barrine, which was decommissioned earlier this year.
RCC has recently published information about Tinaroo on its website, including technical specifications and how potential users can acquire an account
RCC will host an Introduction to HPC training session on Friday, 27 May. The session will target new users of the Euramoo cluster, and a Tinaroo “tour” will also feature. 
Tinaroo provider SGI will run Tinaroo HPC Applications Training from 6–9 June. This course is for users who are compiling and running applications based on shared memory (multi-core) and/or message passing (multi-node) HPC paradigms. It is specifically targeted at getting codes running well on Tinaroo. The training is being provided as part of the purchase of Tinaroo from SGI.
Both training sessions will be held on UQ’s St Lucia Campus. Contact the RCC Help Desk for further information and to register for these sessions: rcc-support@uq.edu.au.
