Tinaroo HPC: The floodgates have opened

5 Jul 2016
Tinaroo is named after Queensland's Lake Tinaroo and Tinaroo Falls Dam. Photo by FNQ [CC BY-SA 3.0]

UQ’s latest high performance computer Tinaroo, which is exclusively for its researchers, is available for general use from Tuesday, 5 July 2016.

This follows a period of testing by RCC and about three months of use by early adopters.

Tinaroo is the last piece of the UQ RCC advanced computing strategy to be realised. It is a traditional high performance computing cluster for broad research use across UQ. It features an 80 per cent increase in number of processor cores, four-fold increase in average memory and eight-fold peak performance increase over Barrine, the UQ HPC system it replaced.

Tinaroo is focused on tightly coupled parallel jobs to undertake tasks requiring a very large number of computer cores to be applied to a given problem at the same time. It will augment FlashLite, a data-intensive supercomputer and Euramoo, a cloud-hosted virtual cluster. Together these systems will span a wide range of computational templates.

Tinaroo, housed in Springfield’s Polaris Data Centre, has access to UQ’s GPFS parallel storage environment, which has been upgraded with an additional capacity of about half a petabyte to provide working storage capability. It will also be possible to access Research Data Services (RDS) data collections for processing on Tinaroo.

Being an SGI HPC system, SGI will work with RCC to deliver Tinaroo training (specifically on developing applications) annually at UQ over the next three years and will provide comprehensive maintenance and technical support.

The SGI training session for this year occurred in early June. Users who would like to know about building HPC applications for Tinaroo should contact rcc-support@uq.edu.au for help. 

RCC delivers basic training about Tinaroo, Euramoo and FlashLite at its ‘Intro to HPC’ sessions on the last Friday of the month. Check the RCC Training webpage for upcoming sessions.

Visit the RCC Tinaroo webpage for information about how to obtain an account. More information about Tinaroo is also available in the Tinaroo User Guide
