Did you miss out on attending this month's Galaxy workshop?

14 Jul 2016
Dr Igor Makunin

Those who missed out on the Galaxy workshop held during this month’s Winter School in Mathematical and Computational Biology will be pleased to know another will be held at UQ in the near future.

The three-hour workshop held on 6 July at the Queensland Bioscience Precinct was oversubscribed with 36 registered (the maximum number), with people queuing at the door to fill any no-show seats.

The workshop covered RNA-Seq analysis with the Cufflinks package, and attendees created and used Galaxy workflows.

RCC’s Dr Igor Makunin presented at the workshop whilst RCC’s Derek Benson, system administrator for Galaxy-qld, and Michal Lorenc, a QUT Genomics Data Scientist, provided help on the ground.

The Galaxy platform is one of the world’s most popular and fastest growing bioinformatics web-based interfaces. With Galaxy, biologists can access a huge range of bioinformatics tools, using user-friendly and intuitive graphical interfaces. Galaxy also captures and records analysis pipelines to provide full reproducibility, and simplifies sharing of data and analyses between colleagues.

Please email Dr Igor Makunin to register your interest in future Galaxy workshops at UQ: i.makunin@uq.edu.au.
