Try the new Tinaroo GUI desktop

19 Aug 2016

RCC is calling for early adopters to try an alternate login for high performance computer Tinaroo that provides a GUI (graphical user interface) desktop.

The new service will provide basic desktop tools such as GUI editors to help users prepare their HPC jobs.

The desktop login can be accessed from any Web browser without the need for special software, so is useful for those using Windows workstations, tablets or when travelling.

Since desktop sessions continue running independent of the Web browser this may also be an alternative for some applications that do not easily run as batch tasks. (Please note that sessions may be terminated each Monday morning for service upgrades.)

This desktop environment has limited resources shared by all users and is not intended for direct execution of computationally intensive tasks. For those tasks, users should still apply for resources using batch requests.

Users may issue a "qsub -I -X" batch request from within the GUI desktop to obtain resources for a computationally-intensive GUI application.

To login to Tinaroo via this new service, visit:

Please note that once a session is established, there is no menu on-screen. Tablet users can swipe from the left to bring up a menu and enable or disable the screen keyboard. Workstation users can open that same menu with Ctrl-Alt-Shift.

For help, please contact the RCC Support Desk:
