Highlights from ResBaz 2017

17 Feb 2017

Brisbane’s Research Bazaar (ResBaz) at UQ attracted more than 300 participants across three days from 7–9 February.

The following photos and captions showcase some of this year’s highlights from the annual, largely free eResearch event, which aims to improve digital literacy amongst researchers and support staff.

Networking (as pictured above) is an important part of ResBaz, with researchers meeting those outside of their own discipline, and research support staff meeting those in similar roles at other institutions. The Festival Day on 7 February provided the best opportunities for networking over a complimentary morning tea and lunch, as well as at the many eResearch stalls.

Mike Imelfort’s talk on leaving academia for an industry role was one of ResBaz's most popular. The audience loved Mike’s humour and honesty about the challenges and rewards, not to mention his barefoot presentation style.

Combining two Software Carpentry workshops into one for a Git session worked well. Separate streams were running for Python and R workshops, but the two groups came together to learn Git.

ResBaz attendees appreciated the range of workshops on offer — 11 in total and more than 250 people were trained. In addition to Software Carpentry workshops, ResBaz Brisbane had workshops on Web scraping, data clean-up, eco-science modelling, advanced R, THATCamp and more, including a day-long cloud session run by Adrian White (pictured above) from Amazon Web Services.

The generosity of sponsors made this year’s ResBaz possible (RCC was a bronze sponsor). UQ Library’s Fei Yu holds the ResBaz schedule with the sponsors listed. Especial thanks go to platinum sponsor Amazon Web Services who provided $50 cloud vouchers, a swag of T-shirts, and sponsored the Festival Day lunch.

All photos by Dr Nick Hamilton, RCC/QCIF/IMB.
