Time to cleanup your files on the Galaxy-qld server

24 May 2017

Galaxy-qld user numbers are growing rapidly, with more than 130 new people registered in March 2017 alone. It is fantastic to see this uptake, however the success has led to the service almost reaching data storage capacity.

To ease the pressure on storage capacity, all users are being reminded to download their results and delete old, unneeded or duplicated files on Galaxy-qld. The server is currently designed for data analysis, not long-term data storage. If you require long-term data storage, you can consider an allocation on QRIScloud, or alternatively, contact RCC for available long-term data storage options (rcc-support@uq.edu.au).

Those with dormant or inactive Galaxy-qld accounts are especially being asked to cleanup their files.

The Galaxy-qld/GVL team is currently exploring various options for expanding Galaxy-qld’s storage capacity.

Galaxy-qld, which RCC, UQ and QCIF support, is a service for analysis of high-throughput sequencing data.

Please visit the GVL blog for more information. Please contact Dr Igor Makunin if you have any questions about your files on Galaxy-qld: i.makunin@uq.edu.au.
