RCC-supervised honours students present project proposals

24 May 2017
UQ honours student Daya Kern presenting her thesis project proposal at an RCC seminar.

Two RCC-supervised UQ honours students are respectively looking to improve cardiac research and scientific visualisation.

Honours students Daya Kern and Leonard Ong presented their thesis project proposals at RCC on Friday, 19 May. 

Daya, with Prof. David Abramson and Dr Hoang Nguyen as her supervisors, wishes to improve cardiac modelling using scientific workflows, by incorporating high performance computing techniques, automation and optimisation. 

Leonard Ong, supervised by Dr Minh Dinh, is looking to use FlashLite, an RCC-designed supercomputer, to conduct high-profile scientific simulations and enable in-situ visualisation. He aims to use existing data-centric tools to extract and pre-process raw simulation data in-situ, and then have the processed data continuously streamed to a visualisation machine. If successful, the project will save researchers valuable time in not having to process simulation data.

UQ honours student Leonard Ong presenting his thesis project proposal.
Both photos: Dr Nick Hamilton, RCC/QCIF/IMB.
