Have your say on life science data sets you use in your research

19 Sep 2017

Nectar (National eResearch Collaboration Tools and Resources), in conjunction with RDS (Research Data Services) and ANDS (Australian National Data Service), is asking life scientists to complete a survey to help determine which public data resources would better support Australian life science research if made more readily accessible.

Life scientists are advised to not miss this opportunity to guide how the evolving national research data infrastructure can facilitate access to public data resources and better support research.

The survey should only take 10–20mins to complete and is anonymous (click here to begin).

Your participation will help shape the ongoing decision-making and planning process in making those public data resources identified by you more usable and more accessible. This may include faster, more efficient, or more stable access which could allow the use of those resources to be more routine and reliable in your research, leading to improvements in your use of public data to reach your research goals sooner.

The survey is being conducted as part of Nectar's broader investigation into ways national data infrastructure can better support research in Australia.

Please contact Dr Gareth Price of QFAB if you have any questions about the survey: g.price@qfab.org.
