Four RCC staff to speak at eResAU2024

29 October 2024

A handful of RCC staff are involved in talks at this week’s eResearch Australasia conference in Melbourne.

RCC Director Jake Carroll, Senior Research Software Developer Dr Mark Endrei, and Research Systems Projects and Delivey Manager Sarah Walters will deliver talks at eResAU2024, based at the Pullman Albert Park Hotel.

RCC Research Software Engineer Dr Nishanthi Dasanayaka is a co-author of the two papers that Mark will be presenting, but will not be attending the conference.

Sarah and RCC eResearch Analyst Dr Edan Scriven will also give talks at the Xenon Systems hosted Birds of a Feather session titled “Building, securing, sharing containers: Paths towards a sustainable ecosystem for admins, users, applications.” Sarah will focus on infrastructure management, while Edan focuses on application deployment and service delivery.

Edan said: “I'll be talking about my experiences with CVL [Characterisation Virtual Laboratory] and onBunya and the use of containers to build, deploy and support user applications on those platforms.”

Please see the list of RCC talks at eResAU2024 further below.

Conference delegates are encouraged to visit the IBM exhibition booth to collect a tea towel (while stocks last) about the infrastructure behind UQ data storage fabric MeDiCI (Metropolitan Data Caching Infrastructure). IBM, Hewlett Packard Enterprises, Dell Technologies, and the Polaris Data Centre co-sponsored the MeDiCI tea towels, and RCC thanks them for their contribution.

The conference, held from 28 October to 1 November and hosted by Australasian eResearch Organisations (AeRO), is for those interested in eResearch and actively transforming research via information technology.

It provides an opportunity for delegates to engage, connect and share their ideas and exemplars concerning new information-centric research capabilities, and how technologies can help researchers to collaborate, collect, manage, share, process, analyse, find, understand and reuse information.

Delegates can learn from national and international experts, network with like-minded professionals, and meet with industry suppliers.

Below are the RCC staff talks at eResAU2024:

Post-event update: Photos of RCC staff speaking at eResAU2024

Mark Endrei
Dr Mark Endrei

Jake Carroll
Jake Carroll

Sarah Walters
Sarah Walters

Dr Edan Scriven
Dr Edan Scriven

