Senator commends UQ open data collection at national showcase

19 Jun 2015
Senator Scott Ryan at the ANDS Showcase in Canberra

A UQ Major Open Data Collection was commended by Senator Scott Ryan (pictured) at the ANDS Showcase in Canberra on 19 June.

The UQ project, led by QCIF/RCC’s Belinda Weaver, developed an online platform to make genotypic and phenotypic information about Australian wheat breeds available for search and download ( These data form part of the global Wheat Information System.

Senator Ryan said: “These collections range from the very broad… to the very focused, like the University of Queensland’s Australian Wheat Collection, which provides a centralised access point for Australian wheat breeders and researchers.”

Australian Wheat was one of more than 30 internationally significant collections that have been fully described and made openly available by Australian research institutions through the MODC initiative. This includes another UQ major open data project, Flint Collection: Sharing Indigenous Languages.  

As well as featuring Senator Ryan, Chief Scientist, Prof Ian Chubb also attended the ANDS Showcase.
