RCC's Lien Le represents UQ at London-based bioinformatics workshop

2 Sep 2015
Lien Le

RCC Bioinformatics Team Leader Lien Le (pictured) was the UQ representative invited to attend a non-model organism bioinformatics training event in London for just 10 Australian experts.

Bioplatforms Australia, in collaboration with CSIRO and The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC), UK, organised the three-day workshop from 29 July to 1 August 2015.

Invited participants included experts and leaders from CSIRO, UQ, University of Melbourne, the Australian Genome Research Facility (AGRF), and Australia’s Ramaciotti Foundations.

TGAC’s Best Practice and eScience team developed ‘train the trainer’ activities for the workshop, and focused on ‘de novo assembly’, mainly for non-model organisms, but concentrating on answering the biological questions that researchers would have for their particular project.

The program’s aim is to present similar workshops at Australian research institutes. Lien and the other nine delegates will apply their learning to course content and adapt their own version of this crucial training topic.

To ensure the program’s long-term impact, two content experts, TGAC’s Bernardo Clavijo and Gonzalo Garcia Accinelli, will be in attendance when the condensed de novo assembly material is presented in Australia in mid to late November 2015 (exact dates to be confirmed).

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