RCC works on crucial wind power project

2 Sep 2015

An ARC Linkage Project involving RCC high performance computing support will help address urgent questions about increasing wind power in Australia and its impact on the national grid.

In his previous role as a Research Fellow in the School of Economics and member of UQ’s Energy Economics and Management Group (EEMG), RCC’s new Research Analyst Paul Bell has worked alongside economists, electrical engineers and climate scientists on the interdisciplinary project, which has strong support from the wind power industry. Paul continues his EEMG memberships while at the RCC.  

EEMG Director Professor John Foster is the project’s Chief Investigator.

The project has released a handful of reports this year, downloadable from EEMG's project webpage.

The project, which began in 2011, will answer urgent questions concerning the capability of the existing power grid to cope with a volatile source of supply, required grid modifications, impacts on the national electricity market, the optimal placement of wind farms, impacts of carbon pricing and the Large-scale Renewable Energy Target (LRET). 

More info.
