RCC in finals for ACS Digital Disruptors Awards

19 Sep 2017

RCC is a finalist in this year’s ACS (Australian Computer Society) Digital Disruptors Awards.

RCC is in the running for the award in the ‘Service transformation for the digital consumer—Government’ category for its Metropolitan Data Caching Infrastructure (MeDiCI) project.

MeDiCI is a data storage fabric developed and trialled at UQ that delivers data to researchers where needed at any time. The “magic” of MeDiCI is it offers the illusion of a single virtual data centre next door even when it is actually distributed over potentially very wide areas with varying network connectivity. 

MeDiCI enables a range of techniques for national and international data sharing. Recent tests between UQ, the University of California San Diego and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Japan indicated that MeDiCI can even support seamless access at very high data rates globally. 

RCC is leading the MeDiCI project in collaboration with UQ Library, UQ’s ITS division and UQ research groups, such as the Queensland Brain Institute, Institute for Molecular Bioscience and Centre for Advanced Imaging.

The ACS Digital Disruptors Awards focus on creative and positive disruption within ICT. Winners will be announced at a gala event on Thursday, 2 November 2017 in Sydney, following the Reimagination Thought Leaders’ Summit.

This is not the first time the MeDiCI project has been nominated for an award. In June this year, the project received a merit certificate at the Queensland iAwards in the category ‘Infrastructure & Platforms Innovation of the Year’. For leading the project, RCC Director Prof. David Abramson was named as a finalist in this year’s ITnews Benchmark Awards for Education CIO of the Year.
