RCC shared QCIF's exhibition booth at eResearch Australasia 2018, and a handful of RCC staff gave talks at the conference, held 15–19 October in Melbourne.
Those who presented included Dr Jeff Christiansen, who spoke about a cloud-based system for environmental metagenomics data. Dr Christiansen also contributed to a Birds of a Feather session on sensitive data.
Oliver Cairncross presented a talk about his data visualisation tool, Phoebe.
Dr Siddeswara Guru, of RCC and TERN, led a Birds of a Feather session on scientific workflow uptake and also gave a lightning talk about a conceptual model to deliver end-to-end user-centric e-infrastructure for ecosystem science.
Marco Fahmi gave a lightning talk on the new Graduate Digital Research Fellowship at UQ, and Michael Mallon helped deliver a pre-conference workshop on systems administration in research computing.
RCC staff Derek Benson and Dr Igor Makunin contributed to a paper on the Genomics Virtual Lab, which was presented at the conference by Dr Gareth Price, QFAB’s Head of Computational Biology. RCC is an active contributor to the development of the GVL.
RCC Director Prof. David Abramson acted as session chair of the advanced computing section of the conference.
Next year’s eResearch Australasia conference will be held in Brisbane, 21–25 October 2019.