RCC to deliver one keynote and two papers at SC16

14 Nov 2016

Four RCC staff and two RCC-sponsored partners will attend SC16 this week in Utah, U.S., the world’s biggest conference on supercomputing.

RCC Director Prof. David Abramson will give a keynote address to SC16’s workshop on workflows in support of large-scale science.

RCC’s Dr Minh Dinh and Dr Jin Chao have both had papers accepted for SC16’s workshop on extreme-scale programming tools.  

A few weeks before attending SC16 as a general participant, RCC’s Dr Hoang Nguyen took part in a two-day scientific workflows conference, Gateways 2016 in San Diego. Afterwards, he worked with Dr Ilkay Altintas at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) on Kepler scientific workflows.

RCC is pleased to be sponsoring two partners to attend SC16 — Jake Carroll, Senior IT Manager (Research) at UQ’s Queensland Brain Institute, and Nigel Ward, eResearch Services Manager at QCIF.

Both Jake and Nigel will make the most of being in the U.S. to work with groups outside of the conference that could potentially help their organisations.

Before SC16, Jake worked with CalitT2 (California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology) at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) on deploying a test instance of UQ’s new data fabric MeDiCI at UCSD. This allowed RCC to test data movement between UQ and UCSD for some applications in cardiac science and microscopy. Research Data Services (RDS) supported this project, which is still a work in progress.

After SC16, Nigel will likewise meet with groups at SDSC, UCSD and CalitT2.
