Open call for those keen on Library Carpentry funding

14 Nov 2016

The Library Carpentry suite of lessons, which RCC's Belinda Weaver had a hand in developing, won the British Library Labs’s Teaching and Learning Award on 7 November 2016.

The Library Carpentry community plan to spend the award’s £500 prize money to support a Library Carpentry workshop anywhere in the world next year, including Australia. 

If your institution needs financial support to run a Library Carpentry workshop or individual librarian training, see the Library Carpentry blog for details of how to apply. The deadline for applications is 16 December 2016.

Library Carpentry is software skills training aimed at the needs and requirements of library professionals. It includes lessons on regular expressions, data structures, version control, data cleanup and more.

In June this year as part of the annual Mozilla Science Lab Global Sprint, Belinda led a team of more than 20 people in six countries to update and extend Library Carpentry's lesson material. The project is ongoing. 
