UQ project manager Marco Fahmi joined RCC late last month in the new role of Manager, Digital Humanities and Social Sciences.
The role is a 12-month joint appointment by UQ’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS), UQ Library and RCC to provide digital research support services across the university.
In the job, Marco will ensure digital research is a visible and valued activity at UQ. He will initiate digital research projects, develop collaborations, and manage digital research support services, including connecting UQ researchers to technical experts.
Over the past year, Marco has collaborated closely with RCC in his role as project manager of HASS’s Major Equipment and Infrastructure grant for 2016 titled 'Enhancing Digital and Data Analytic Capabilities for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences’. The project was completed last month.
HASS’s Research Strategy 2015–2019 recognised the critical need to further develop and support research opportunities enhanced by advanced digital technology and computational capabilities. Consequently, the faculty undertook a digital research operational plan — the first step in its implementation being Marco’s new role.
Marco’s expertise is in technology and data-driven research with experience in humanities, social sciences and ecological disciplines.
He will continue in his role at HASS as an affiliate Research Fellow to help develop digital humanities and social sciences as a cross-disciplinary program.
RCC and its Director, Prof. David Abramson, welcomes Marco on board as an official team member. “His work in HASS over the past year will broaden RCC’s eResearch activities significantly,” said David.
To discuss your digital research needs, please contact Marco at: marco.fahmi@uq.edu.au.