On the first Tuesday of each month, Hacky Hour UQ will have a special genomics focus.
RCC's Dr Igor Makunin will be invited to help with Galaxy-qld queries, and QFAB's bioinformatics specialists will also likely be on hand to tackle genomics-related IT issues.
Hacky Hour UQ held its first such session on Tuesday, 6 February, and the next is planned for Tuesday, 6 March.
As well as genomics IT specialists, Hacky Hour will feature its usual line-up of experts who can help researchers — genomicists and non-genomicists alike — with high-performance computing, cloud computing, general programming, R, Python, data processing, data storage, and data management.
Hacky Hour is free, informal and all researchers are welcome to drop in for advice, or offer their IT expertise to help others.
Hacky Hour is held most Tuesdays, 3pm–4pm, at Café Nano on the St Lucia campus.
Visit the Hacky Hour webpage for more information, follow @HackyHourStLuc on Twitter for updates, or contact RCC’s Dr Nick Hamilton: n.hamilton@imb.uq.edu.au.