Euramoo is being rebuilt as the Awoonga HPC cluster

29 Aug 2017

RCC and QCIF are rebuilding Euramoo as a new high performance compute cluster called Awoonga.

Since its launch in 2015, Euramoo has serviced the high throughput computing needs of Queensland researchers, with more than 740,000 jobs submitted and almost 5 million hours of CPU (Central Processing Unit) time accumulated.

The project team is transforming Euramoo from its complex multi-architecture, multi-operating system environment into a simpler configuration, making Awoonga:

  • easier for researchers to use
  • compatible with the FlashLite and Tinaroo HPC clusters, enabling researchers to work seamlessly across clusters
  • easier to administer and maintain.

During August, the compute nodes that form Euramoo have been progressively removed, re-imaged, and added to Awoonga. To increase capacity for virtual machines, some of Euramoo’s compute nodes will be deployed into the Australian Research Cloud.

Euramoo users can already begin to move over to the Awoonga cluster, with the login nodes accessible via Secure Shell at

For those currently using Euramoo, RCC and QCIF are endeavouring to keep service disruptions to a minimum. Please subscribe to QCIF’s QRIScloud Alerts for Euramoo service announcements via email, or follow @qriscloud on Twitter.

A user guide for the Awoonga cluster will be available shortly on the QRIScloud Documentation webpage.

Any questions, please contact the QRIScloud Help Desk:
